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Modelsim Viewer License Problem

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  1. Modelsim Online
  2. Modelsim Viewer License Problem For Windows 10

Note: These are problems you may enouter when installing the software or licensing.

'This application failed to start because . or was unable to start correctly .'

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  2. The FORUM ® Viewer App from ZEISS for iPad ® enables you to flexibly access and display patient data and records stored in the ZEISS FORUM Archive – at your convenience. It further expands your ZEISS FORUM options, allowing you to preview examination data wherever and whenever you want prior to seeing a patie.
  3. 14 ModelSim Command Reference Manual, v10.4c Syntax and Conventions File and Directory Pathnames Note Neither the prompt at the beginning of a line nor the key that ends a line is shown in the command examples. File and Directory Pathnames Several ModelSim commands have arguments that point to files or directories. For example, the.
When you launch the program, you may get an error like, 'This application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. .', or 'This application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005)', or something similar. This is typically because your PC is missing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, which the programs depend on. You may download and install the 32bit version at Microsoft web site to resolve this. If you are running the 64 bit version of Trinity 3D, also download and install the 64 bit redistributables as well as the 32 bit version.

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I have a piece of FPGA code written in LabVIEW that I'm trying to simulate in ModelSim. I followed the instructions provided in this link, but the example is a simple incrementer with no internal signals (only the input and output). I created a testbench and succesfully started the simulation, but the macro only adds the inputs and outputs to the wave window. Install the license by setting MGLS LICENSE FILE or running the licensing wizard. The former is recommended, if you have a floating license on a server somewhere. The license for ModelSim should be of the form 1717@somehost.domain. If you have an actual license.dat file, simply set MGLS LICENSE FILE to the absolute path to.

Problem: This happens on Windows 7 or Vista when UAC (User access control) is turned on.

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Solution : UAC can be turned off under Control Panel. On Windows 7, click the Windows Start button, and type UAC, the click 'Change User Account Control Settings'. Then lower the notification level to 'Never notify', and restart. On Windows Vista, open Control Panel, click 'Turn User Account Control on or off', and uncheck 'Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer'. Click OK and restart.

Work around: You can temporarily work around this problem by right clicking the program icon (desktop short cut) and choose 'Run as administrator'. You can set the Run as administrator attribute as default for the short cut, by right clicking the short cut and then choose properties, and Compatibility tab.

UAC also prevents users from using the drag-and-drop feature to import files into Trinity, and the net work license check out feature.
Windows XP did not have UAC, so turning off UAC makes it behave like XP. UAC does not really help you protect your computer despite what Microsoft says. It only prevents you from using your own computer. Google or search Youtube for 'how to turn off UAC' and see how many people are having the same problems.

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You may get this error when registering a users machine to use a network license. You enter the license path and click OK. You get this error. This simply means that the user does not have permission to access the network license folder. Since the software needs to update the license file for the license to work, users need to have read and write permission to the network license folder.

Error: 'License is illegally restored', 'Invalid machine code' or 'Signature error'.

You may get a 'invalid machine code', or 'license illegally restored' error when you attempt to install a new license, or check out a license on to a laptop. This is because there is an old dead or expired license file in the folder you are installing (checking out) the license to. If you are installing a new license, this old license file is in the license path you selected. It is the sub-folder with a long numbered name in the license path. For standalone license, this is typically in your programs folder, such as 'C:Program files (x86)ZetaWareGenesis', or the program data folder in later versions 'C:ProgramDataZetaWareGenesis'. If you are checking out a license, the folder is in 'C:UsersYour_nameAppDataLocalZetaWareCheckoutLicenses' with older versions and 'C:ProgramDataZetaWareCheckoutLicenses' with latest version. This typically happens if you have copied previous software installation from an old laptop or hard drive, or reinstalled Windows, etc. This can also happen if you had an old dead or expired license file in the location you are installing the new license to. To solve this error, simply delete the old license folder (the long numbered) and try again. For network license reinstall, you may want to delete only the .SLS files in the sub folder, keeping the log file for your records.

'Signature error' means that the license manager thinks your license file is no longer associated with the hardware it was created. This could be that it was moved to a new server, or new hard drive. A new license may be needed. You will need to contact us to replace the license. Error: 'CRC error'.

'CRC error' is a Windows error message that means there was a hard disc error - a sector of the hard disc may be damaged, or the like. You will need to manually delete the license files and reinstall the license. The license files are those stored in the numerical sub folder and end with the .SLS extension. You may keep the log.txt file. After deleting the .SLS files, use zLicMgr tool to reinstall the network license.

You get 'License is not found on this computer' message when running a standalone license.

IT has installed a standalone license for you, but when you run the software under your ID, the license installation prompt comes up. This is because the license file for a standalone license is by default installed in the program folder C:Program Files (x86)ZetaWareTrinity 3D, which the standard user may not have permission to write to. There are two ways to work around this.
  1. Lower UAC settings or specifically allow write access to the above folder, or
  2. Install the license in a local folder (such as C:Usersyour nameZetaWare or C:ZetaWareLicense) that the standard user has permission to write to,. To be able to change the license folder, you will need to choose the second option on the licensing dialog to install as a network license. Since the license is on the local drive, it will work just like a standalone license.

You get 'Key not valid for use in specified state' error when installing any msi file.

Microsoft just introduced a new bug in Windows Installer, via Windows Update in August 2014. After Windows update installs the KB2918614 patch. Windows Installer no longer works. If you run any msi installer, you will get the error. The only fix at the moment is to uninstall KB2918614 patch. Go to Control Panel, and Programs and Features. Click on 'View Installed Updates' on the upper left of the window, and look for Security update for Windows Installer (KB2918614) and Right click and Uninstall. Then try install the msi again.

The Internet forums have come up with another solution. Rename the folder 'C:UsersAppDataRoamingMicrosoftCrypto' to 'C:UsersAppDataRoamingMicrosoftCrypto_old', where Silvercrest sgt 10.6 a2 driver for mac. is the name of the user, and run the install again. The Crypto folder will be regenerated by the system. Apparently something the Crypto folder is corrupted by the KB update.

Stand-alone utilities Iskysoft data recovery 3 0 4 download free.

  • Coordinate System Manager (April 2020) — Use this utility to manage, create, and edit coordinate systems, datums, projections, local sites, and geoids across TBC, Trimble Access, and Sync Manager. Version 64-bit. Download here.
  • Feature Definition Manager (April 2020) — Use this utility to manage, create, and edit feature code libraries for usage across TBC, Trimble Access, Sync Manager, and other Trimble products. Feature libraries can include point, line, polygon, and block codes; line and block control codes; attributes; line and label styles; symbols; and more. Version 2.31 64-bit. Download here.

Licensing utilities

  • Trimble HASP License Updater (November 2019) - Use this utility to update TBC licenses without installing the TBC software package. Update dongle licenses and update or install network licenses with this new utility. The Trimble HASP License Updater replaces the Network License Update Utility. Version 2.1 64-bit. Download here.

Support notes

  • Sentinel HASP License Introduction — Trimble Business Center and Trimble RealWorks software use the Sentinel HASP licensing software and drivers to manage license information. There are two primary types of licenses: software and hardware. View.
  • Dongle Licenses — A dongle license for Trimble Business Center and/or Trimble RealWorks software is a USB key that plugs directly into a workstation PC and provides a single-seat license to the local workstation PC. View.
  • HASP Remote Update System (RUS) Included in TBC 3.90 and Later — This Product Bulletin announces the inclusion of the HASP Remote Update System (RUS) utility within the TBC 3.90 install package and explains its functionality. View.
  • Online Activation for Network or Software License — A Trimble Business Center and/or Trimble RealWorks software network license is installed through a 19-digit product code that writes a permanent KeyID with licensed feature information on a server or PC's hard drive. View.
  • Offline Product Code Activation — There are two offline activation approaches: using the Sentinel Admin Control Center (SACC) or using the HASP Remote Update System (RUS). Both processes use the same general workflow to activate a product code. View.
  • FARO.LS error when installing TBC — This Support Note addresses an uncommon error message about 'FARO.LS' when installing TBC. View.

Tech tips

  • Checking Out a License Network Seat — Question: I would like to use a license seat when not connected to the network hosting the license. How can I detach a network license from the server? View.
  • Cloned Licenses — Problem: My workstation running Trimble Business Center or Trimble RealWorks software is unable to read a network license from a server and a 'Disabled due to Cloning' error message displays. View.
  • Combining Sentinel HASP Licenses — Question: Can multiple KeyIDs be combined into a single KeyID? View.
  • Expired License Warranty Dates — Question: If my dongle or network license warranty date is expired, will the software still run? View.
  • Sentinel HASP Error Messages — Problem: When applying the 19-­digit product code in the Trimble HASP License Updater, in the Sentinel Admin Control Center, or within the License Manager, an error code displays and the product code does not seem to have been activated. How can this error be resolved? View.
  • TBC/TRW– Installing Old Software Versions — Question: If I have a current warranty, can old versions of the software be installed and licensed? View.
  • Key IDs and Product Codes — Question: What is the difference between a product code and a KeyID in the Sentinel HASP licensing system? View.
  • Multiple Sentinel HASP Key IDs on a Server — Problem: When applying a product code to update a network license on a server with the Network License Update Utility (NLUU), an error message displays stating that multiple KeyIDs are detected and the server needs to be reconfigured. What causes this issue and what is the solution? View.
  • Network License Across Different Subnets and Pointing a Workstation to a License Server — Problem: A product code is successfully installed on a network server. When the software is launched, a message displays stating that no license is found and features show as 'Unlicensed.' How do I point the workstation to the license server? View.

Enterprise installation and deployment

  • Enterprise Deployment Guide - This document describes the various methods a system administrator can use to install (deploy) Trimble Business Center on multiple computers on their Windows-based network (enterprise) more quickly and efficiently than copying the Installation download to each computer and performing the installation manually. View.

Installation utilities

Modelsim Viewer License Problem For Windows 10

  • Trimble Office Cleanup Utility (April 2020) — This utility resolves problems with Trimble office applications by restoring a system to a clean state and allowing the application to be reinstalled or updated cleanly. Use when updating to newer versions of TBC to assure a clean installation. Programs supported are Trimble Business Center (TBC), UASMaster, Business Center – HCE (BC-HCE), Spectra Precision Survey Office (SPSO), Coordinate System Manager, Feature Definition Manager, Office Synchronizer, TBC External Services, SCS Data Manager, and all other programs installed with TBC. See the Help documentation in the utility for more information. Version 5.30 - 64-bit. Download here.

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